Welcome to the Aten system, an API for the data lake of data.boerman.dev.
The name Aten is taken from the egyptian sun god Aten. Since most of the data lake has to do with the energy world
I found that a nice representation.
Aten is build with the FastAPI framework and thus fully OpenAPI compatible,
the OpenAPI manifest can be found here.
The endpoints require an api key. Please register an account through the member area and retrieve an api key.
At the moment there is no rate limit for the api, please use with common sense. I reserve the right to revoke your api key when I think it is abused.
Redoc documentation can be read here:
Swagger environment can be found here:
Member environment, here you can register and retrieve your api key
Besides these endpoints Aten can also be used within grafana directly with the simpod-json-datasource plugin.
For settings use https://aten.amunanalytics.eu/grafana/ as the url and add a custom header with name api-key and with value your api key.
You can find more info about me at my linkedin
For inquiries shoot me an email at frank@fboerman.nl
I also sometimes write on my blog.